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BELEDI®as a Fitness Program

Beledi is an aerobic belly dance fitness form providing several intensity in training system. Beledi strengthens major muscles of the trunk like rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques; lower body muscles like the gluteal muscles, the quadriceps even targets smaller muscles groups like the lower back muscles the pelvic floor muscles. Beledi is an elegant merge of structural movements like squats, lunges, jumps, twists etc.. with belly dance moves of hip drops, circles, figure eights and shimmies. Beledi makes use of major joints and muscles. Beledi basic helps burn around 400 calories per hour while Beledi fusion burns around 500 to 1000 calories based on the performance of the clients. Beledi is designed to focus on major fitness components such as cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance and mostly uses the body weight to increase the muscular strength. Beledi moves provide a lot of dynamic flexibility and cool down stretches are focussed on static flexibility.